Primary Flight Display (PFD) - Differences Between Sim Avionics and ProSim737 Avionics Suites

As I work on a slightly more technical article, I thought I would post some images of the Primary Flight Display (PFD) belonging to two of the most popular avionics suites - ProSim737 and Sim Avionics. For reference, I also have also included PFDs used by Aerosoft Australia, Project Magenta and Sismo Soluciones. What is readily apparent is not all suites are identical. Clearly, some developers are using artistic license or do not process the information to be able to replicate the OEM counterpart. Bear in mind when you look at the images, that Sim Avionics and ProSim737 are regularly updated and updates may alter how the PFD is displayed. ProSim737 currently has three releases - Version 1, 2 and 3.

So which PDF accurately reflects the OEM counterpart. It’s a difficult question to answer as the Next Generation encompasses four aircraft types (600, 700, 800 & 900) with each aircraft type using different software and software versions, and this is not discussing company options. Put simply there is subtle variance in how the PFD is displayed.

One aspect that should not be used when comparing suites is the colour; the colour of the PDF can easily be altered by changing the hue in the computer’s display settings.

  • Sim Avionics is owned by Flight Deck Solutions (FDS) in Canada and simulates both the 737 Next Generation and the B777. 

  • ProSim737, developed in the Netherlands, is dedicated solely to the 737 Next Generation.

  • Aerosoft Australia is developed in Australia.

In the interests of disclosure, I own Sim Avionics and ProSim737, but use ProSim737 Version 3.

Important Point:

  • Bear in mind the date of this article (2014). I have no doubt that the display from all avionics suites will change and improve with time becoming closer to the OEM.

A post located on the ProSim737 forum discusses the various PFD differences.  The post can be read here: Comparing the ProSim PFD (thanks Jacob for sending this to me).

BELOW:  Gallery of Primary Flight Displays.