B737 NG Display Unit Bezels By Fly Engravity

The bezels that have replaced the acrylic bezels made by FDS. The landing gear, clock annunciators (korrys) and brake pressure gauge are OEM parts converted for flight simulator use - First Officer side. Note OEM Korrys and clock

I recently upgraded the display unit bezels (frames) on the Main Instrument Panel (MIP).  

The previous bezels, manufactured by Flight Deck Solutions (FDS), lacked the detail I was wanting.  Increasingly, I found myself being fixated by glaringly incorrect hallmarks that did not conform to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) – in particular, the use of incorrectly positioned attachment screws, the lack of a well-defined hinge mechanism, and the use of acrylic rather than aluminum.

Although it is not necessary to have replicated items that conform to a real part, it does add to the immersion level, especially if you are using predominately OEM parts.  The MIP in my case is a skeleton on which to hang the various real aircraft parts that have been converted for flight simulator use. 

This is not a review, but more a reason to why sometimes there is a need to change from one product to another.

The OEM display is a solid unit that incorporates the avionics, display and bezel in the one unit.  This unit has the protective plastic attached to the screen

OEM Display Units

The OEM display units used in the Boeing Next Generation airframes comprise a large rectangular box that houses the necessary avionics and glass screen for the display.   

The display unit is mounted by sliding the box into the MIP along two purpose-built sliding rails.  The unit is then locked into the MIP by closing the hinge lever and tightening the thumb screw on the lower right hand side of the bezel.  The hinge mechanism is unique to the OEM unit in that once the thumb screw is loosened; one side of the lower display adjacent to the hinge becomes a lever in which to pull the unit free of its locking points in the MIP.

The units are usually manufactured by Honeywell.

The display unit is one piece which incorporates the bezel as part of the assembly; therefore, it is not possible to obtain just the bezel – this is why a reproduction is necessary.

Reproduction Bezels

Reproduction bezels are manufactured by several companies – Open Cockpits, SimWorld, Fly Engravity and Flight Deck Solutions to name a few.  As with all replica parts, each company makes their products to differing levels of accuracy, detail and quality.

I looked at several companies and the closest to the  OEM item appeared to be the bezels manufactured by Fly Engravity and CP Flight (CP Flight are a reseller of Fly Gravity products).  

The main reasons for changing-out the FDS bezels were as follows:

  • FDS bezels have two Philips head screws in the upper left and right hand side of the bezel.  These are used to attach the bezel to the MIP.  The real bezel does not have these screws.

  • FDS bezels are made from acrylic.  The bezels in the real B737, although part of a larger unit, are made from aluminum.  Fly Engravity make their bezels from aluminum which are professionally painted with the correct Boeing grey.  

  • FDS have not replicated the hinge in the lower section of the bezel.  Rather, they have lightly engraved into the acrylic a facsimile of the hinge .   Fly Engravity fabricate a hinge mechanism, and although it does not function (there is absolutely no need for it to function) it replicates the appearance of the real hinge.

  • FDS use 1mm thick clear Perspex whereby the real aircraft uses smoke grey-tinted glass.  Fly Engravity bezels use 3 mm smoke grey-tinted Perspex.

  • The Perspex used by FDS is very thin and is attached to the inside of the bezel by double-side tape.  The thinness of the material means that when cleaning the display it is quite easy to push the material inwards which in turn breaks the sticky seal between the Perspex and the inside of the bezel.  Fly Engravity use thicker Perspex that is attached to the inside of the bezel by four screws.  It is very solid and will not come loose.

Table 1 provides a quick reference to the assailant points.

Detail showing the hinge mechanism in the Fly Engravity bezel.  Although the hinge is non-functional, the detail and depth of the cut in the aluminium frame provides the illusion of a functioning hinge mechanism

Attaching the Bezels to the FDS MIP

The FDS and Fly Engravity bezels are identical in size; therefore, there is not an issue with the alignment of the bezels with MIP – they fit perfectly.

Attaching the Fly Engravity bezels to the FDS MIP is not difficult.  The Fly Engravity bezels are secured to the MIP using the same holes in the MIP that were used to secure the FDS bezels. However, the screws used by Fly Engravity are a larger diameter; therefore, you will have to enlarge the holes in the MIP.  

Detail of the hinge thumb knob on the Fly Engravity bezel.  Although the internal screw is missing from the knob, the cross-hatched pattern on the knob compensates.  The knob is screwed directly into the aluminium frame and can be loosened or tightened as desired.  The circular device is a facsimile of the ambient light sensor (

For the most part the holes align correctly, although with my set-up I had to drill two new holes in the MIP.

The Fly Engravity bezels, unlike the FDS bezels, are secured from the rear of the bezel via the backside of the MIP.  The bezel and Perspex have precut and threaded holes for easy installation of the thumb screws.

Cross section of the Fly Engravity bezel showing the detail of the Perspex and attachment screw

Upgrade Benefits - Advantages and Disadvantages

It depends – if you are wishing to replicate the real B737 MIP as much as possible, then the benefits of upgrading to a Fly Engravity bezel are obvious.  However, the downside is that the aluminum bezels, in comparison to acrylic-made bezels are not inexpensive.

The smoke grey-tinted Perspex has definite advantages in that the computer monitor screens that simulate the PFD, ND and EICAS appear a lot sharper and easier to see.  But a disadvantage is that the computer monitors colour calibration alters a tad when using the tinted Perplex.  This is easily rectified by calibrating your monitors to the correct colour gamut.  I was concerned about glare and reflections, however, there is no more using the tinted Perspex than there is using the clear Perspex.

The Fly Engravity bezels have one minor inaccuracy in that the small screw located in the middle of the hinge thumb knob is not simulated.  This is a small oversight, which can be remedied by having a screw fitted to the knob.


A possible improvement to the Fly Engravity bezels could be to use flat-headed screws, or to design a recessed head area into the rear of the Perspex (see above photograph which shows the height of the screw-head).  A recessed area would allow the screw head to sit flush enabling the monitor screen to be flush with the rear of the Perspex. 

The inability of the monitor screen to sit flush with the Perspex does not present a problem, but it is good engineering for items to fit correctly.

Final Call

Although the bezels made by FDS do not replicate the OEM item, they are still of good quality and are functional.  However, if you are seeking authenticity and prefer an aluminum bezel then those produced by Fly Engravity are superior.

Endorsement and Transparency

I have not been paid by Fly Engravity or any other reseller to write this post.  The review is not endorsed and I paid full price for the products discussed.


  • EICAS – Engine Indicator Crew Alert system.

  • MIP – Main Instrument Panel.

  • ND – Navigation Display.

  • OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer (aka real aircraft part).

  • Perspex - Poly(methyl methacrylate), also known as acrylic or acrylic glass as well as by the trade names Plexiglas, Acrylite, Lucite, and Perspex among several others.

  • PFD – Primary Flight Display. 

Primary Flight Display (PFD) - Differences Between Sim Avionics and ProSim737 Avionics Suites

As I work on a slightly more technical article, I thought I would post some images of the Primary Flight Display (PFD) belonging to two of the most popular avionics suites - ProSim737 and Sim Avionics. For reference, I also have also included PFDs used by Aerosoft Australia, Project Magenta and Sismo Soluciones. What is readily apparent is not all suites are identical. Clearly, some developers are using artistic license or do not process the information to be able to replicate the OEM counterpart. Bear in mind when you look at the images, that Sim Avionics and ProSim737 are regularly updated and updates may alter how the PFD is displayed. ProSim737 currently has three releases - Version 1, 2 and 3.

So which PDF accurately reflects the OEM counterpart. It’s a difficult question to answer as the Next Generation encompasses four aircraft types (600, 700, 800 & 900) with each aircraft type using different software and software versions, and this is not discussing company options. Put simply there is subtle variance in how the PFD is displayed.

One aspect that should not be used when comparing suites is the colour; the colour of the PDF can easily be altered by changing the hue in the computer’s display settings.

  • Sim Avionics is owned by Flight Deck Solutions (FDS) in Canada and simulates both the 737 Next Generation and the B777. 

  • ProSim737, developed in the Netherlands, is dedicated solely to the 737 Next Generation.

  • Aerosoft Australia is developed in Australia.

In the interests of disclosure, I own Sim Avionics and ProSim737, but use ProSim737 Version 3.

Important Point:

  • Bear in mind the date of this article (2014). I have no doubt that the display from all avionics suites will change and improve with time becoming closer to the OEM.

A post located on the ProSim737 forum discusses the various PFD differences.  The post can be read here: Comparing the ProSim PFD (thanks Jacob for sending this to me).

BELOW:  Gallery of Primary Flight Displays.

Replacement Sidewalls for FDS MIP

I have mentioned in an earlier post concerning the Main Instrument Panel (MIP) from Flight Deck Solutions, that the unit was a little wobbly due to the thin metal used on the side-walls.  Whilst this is not a huge problem and certainly not an issue when the MIP is locke" into a shell, it does pose a minor issue when used without a shell.   Therefore, I decided to fabricate some replacement side stands for the MIP from 3mm aluminium sheet.

AutoCad was used to copy the dimensions of the original FDS sidewalls, and a lazer cutter cut the aluminium sheeting to the exact measurement.  Using a standard pipe bender, I bent the sides out at 45 degrees to allow slightly larger spacing for the rudder pedals.  I also increased the surface area of the metal which is used to attach the MIP to the platform, this ensures a more stable and secure attachment point for the MIP.  To replicate the MIP side-walls exactly, I TIG welded the narrow section that folds behind the stand.

Currently the aluminum is unpainted.  At some stage in the near future I'll either have the two units powder-coated in Boeing grey to match the colour of the MIP, or more than likely I'll prime and paint them myself.

The MIP is now very stable and does not wobble at all.

Digital Chronograph Running ProSim737 Software

The Main Instrument Panel (MIP), unless a special order is made, usually will not include a chronograph.  Depending upon the MIP manufacturer, the MIP may have a cut out for the chronograph, a facsimile of a chronograph or just a bezel. 

LEFT:   OEM chronograph used by America Airlines.  Nothing beats an OEM item, however, in this case conversion is difficult and a reproduction more cost effective.  Image courtesy of Micks737.

The Next Generation aircraft mostly use digital chronographs. The classic series airframes usually use (unless retrofitted) mechanical chronographs.

After Market Chronograph

There are several after-market chronographs that can be purchased.  SISMO Solicones produce a mechanical type that replicates the real world counterpart quite well, despite the awful orange-coloured backlighting.  Flight Illusion produces a quality instrument as does Flight Deck Solutions (FDS).  FDS replicate the digital chronograph. 

Chronographs are manufactured by several companies and not every chronograph looks identical, although their functionality is.  There are a few different styles available to an airline.  The main difference is in the number and shape of the buttons; round or rectangular.

No matter which type you decide, be prepared to shell out 250 plus Euro per chronograph; for an item rarely used it's quite a financial outlay.

Converting OEM Chronograph

Converting an OEM B737 mechanical chronometer is a valid option and the process of conversion is relatively straightforward.   However, finding a mechanical chronograph in operational order is difficult, as airlines frequently keep chronographs in service for as long as possible.  Converting a digital chronograph is also an option, however, the initial price of the item and then conversion make this an expensive exercise.  Add to this the fact that converting the chronograph, due to its internal digital electronics is very difficult (even if you use ARINC 429 protocol).

Another option is to use the virtual chronometer (Sim Avionics and ProSim737) and fabricate a reproduction bezel that overlays a small LCD screen.

ProSim737 Virtual Chronograph

Screen capture of ProSim737 chronograph.  ProSim737 have a Chronograph that can be used for the Captain and First Officer side of the MIP.  There are seevral version of the display that can be used

ProSim737 as part of their avionics suite have available a virtual chronometer.

The display used by ProSim737 is very crisp, the size is accurate (1:1 ratio), and the software allows complete functionality of the chronograph. 

To use the virtual version a small computer screen is needed on which is displayed the virtual chronograph.


A friend of mine indicated that he wanted to make a chronograph for the simulator and use the virtual ProSim737 display.  He also wanted to incorporate the four setting buttons and have them fully functional. 

The components needed to complete the project are:

  • A small TFT LCD screen (purchased from e-bay);

  • A standard Pokey interface card;

  • Several LEDS; and,

  • Four small tactile switches and electrical wire. 

I currently use an Main Instrument Panel (MIP) fabricated by Flight deck Solutions (FDS).  Therefore, the chronograph bezel used in this project was that supplied by FDS.

The screen used was 5.0" TFT LCD Module with a Dual AV / VGA Board 800x480 with a 40 Pin LED Backlight. 

The screen was small enough that it just covered the circular hole of the cut out in the FDS MIP.  The TFT LCD screen uses a standard VGA connector cable, 12 Volt power supply and a USB cable to connect the POKEY card to the computer.  

The holes in the box provide ventilation for the Pokeys card.  The only portion of the box that is visible from the front of the MIP is the bezel and four buttons

Two-part Fabrication

FDS supply with their MIP a bezel with four solid plastic but non-functional buttons.  The bezel does not support direct backlighting, nor does it have enough space for tactile switches or wiring. 

Therefore, the FDS bezel must be modified to accommodate the wiring for the switches and LED illuminated backlighting. The easiest way to approach this modification is to use a Dremel rotary tool with a 9902 Tungsten Carbide Cutter.

Place the bezel on a hard surface using a towel to avoid scratching and damaging the bezel.  Then, with 'surgical' accuracy and steady hands carve out several channels (groves) at the rear of the bezel.  The channels enable placement of the miniature tactile switches, small LEDS and wiring. 

Space is at a premium, and to gain addition real estate, the LEDS were shaved to remove excess material.  This enabled the LEDS to fit into the excavated groove on the bezel.  Be very careful when using the carbide cutter to not punch out onto the other side of the bezel. 

The four solid plastic front buttons on the bezel are carefully removed and small tactile switches attached (glued) to the rear of each of the buttons.   26/28 AWG wire is used to connect the tactile switches (using common ground leads) to a PoKeys interface card. 

The box is not seen as it's attached to the rear of the MIP.  My friend's humour - several warning signs suggesting that I not tamper with his creation :)

Box Fabrication

A small box needs to be fabricated to house the Pokey card.  The size of the box is controlled by the size of interface card used and the length and width of the LCD screen. 

A box is not required, however, it's a good idea as it illuminates the need to seal the LCD screen to illuminate dust ingress between the screen and overlying glass in the bezel. 

The material used to fabricate the box is plastic signage card (corflute); real estate agencies often use this type of sign.  The main advantage of this material is that it’s not difficult to find, is light in weight, and it's easy to cut, bend, and glue together with a glue gun.    

After the Pokey card is installed to the inside of the box, and the LCD screen attached to the front edge, the bezel needs to be secured to the front of the LCD screen.  The best method to attach the screen and bezel is to use either glue or tape. 

A hole will need to be made in the rear of the box to enable the fitment of the USB and VGA connectors.    Small holes punched into the side of the container ensure the LCD screen and PoKeys card do not overheat.  If you're concerned about heat buildup, a small computer style fan can easily be added to the box, but this does add complexity and is not necessary.  To conform to standard colours, the box is painted in Boeing grey.

LED Backlighting

Careful examination of the backlighting will show that the light coverage is not quite 100%.  There are two reasons as for this.

(i)    There is limited space behind the bezel to accommodate the wiring and the LEDS; and,

(ii)   The material that FDS has used to construct the bezel is opaque.  The only way to alleviate this is to replace the stock bezel with another made from a transparent material.

Important Point:

  • If you want to try and replicate the digital OEM chronograph as closely as possible, that the OEM version does not use backlighting.  Illumination of the front of the chronograph is by the MIP lighting.

Potential Problem

Depending on the MIP being used, there maybe space constraints that do not allow a 5 inch screen to be easily positioned.   If you're forced to use a smaller screen, the outcome will be that you may see the screen edges within the bezel.  For the most part this is not an issue, if you ensure the desktop display is set to black.  Remember, you are looking at the chronograph from a set distance (from the pilot seat) and not close up.

ProSim737 Virtual Chronograph (position and set-up)

This task is straightforward and follows the same method used to install and position the PFD, ND and EICAS displays.  

Open ProSim737’s avionics suite and select the virtual chronograph from the static gauges:  resize and position the display to ensure the chronograph conforms to the size of the bezel.  To configure the buttons on the bezel, so that ProSim737 recognizes them with the correct function, open the ProSim737 configuration screen and configure the appropriate buttons from the switches menu (config/switches).

The four functions the buttons are responsible for are:

(i)    Chronograph start;

(ii)    Set time and date;

(iii)   Expired Time (ET) and Reset; and,

(iv)   +- selection

NOTE:  The above functions differ slightly between the panel and the virtual chronograph in use.

Chronograph Operation and Additional Configuration

Captain-side CLOCK start button.  Connection between the clock button and the CHR button is made in the assignments page in ProSim737 (FDS MIP)

The chronograph can be initiated (started) by either depressing the CHR button on the top left of the clock, or by depressing the CLOCK button located on the glarewing of the MIP. 


Connecting the CLOCK button to the chronograph start (CHR) function is straightforward.

Connect the two wires from the Captain-side clock button to the appropriate interface card and configure in the switches tab of ProSim737 (config/switches/CAPT CHR).

The same should be done with the First Officer side CLOCK button and chronograph, however, ensure you select the FO CHR function in switches to be done for the First Officer side chronometer if fitted.

If configured correctly, one press of the CLOCK button will start the chronograph, a second press will stop the chronograph, and a third press will reset the chronometer to zero.

After Market Chronograph

For those wanting to use an after market chronograph, SimWorld in Poland and Flight deck Solutions (FDS) in Canada produce high quality chronographs that can be dropped into the MIP with minimal required fabrication.


A short video (filmed at night) showing the new chronograph running the virtual ProSim737 software.  Note that the chronograph displas is slightly smaller in the video to what it should be.  Adjusting the size of the display is done within the ProSim737 software.



on 2020-06-18 03:27 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

Another flight deck builder has also constructed a chronograph using similar methods.  His chronograph uses a different design that does not use a box. 


on 2020-05-23 01:00 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

In August 2019 this chronometer will be replaced.  The replacement will use a similar design, however, will not be encapsulated in a box that fits behind the MIP.  The new design will incorporate a å larger 5" TFT LCD screen that will enable more screen real estate for the chronograph.  The screen will be mounted directly to the rear of the MIP and the interface card will be adhered to the rear of the screen. 

The reason for changing the design is two-fold:

  1. The box is quite large, and the weight (although light weight) is heavy enough to cause the bezel to pull away from the MIP; and,

  2. Accessing the interface card is difficult (as it's inside the box).

An article explaining the process will form a new article.  The new chronograph very closely follows the design used by FlightDeck737.BE

Navigation and Multi-COMM Radios by Flight Deck Solutions - Review

Navigation and M-COMM radio.  Note the even backlighting and well defined seven -segmented displays.  Also note DZUS connectors

The avionics that are used in the center pedestal are important; they are used regularly, are always visible, must function correctly, and be robust to sustain long use.

This review will discuss the radios produced by Flight Deck Solutions (FDS). In particular, the navigation (NAV 1/2), multi-comm (M-COMM) and ADF (1/2) communication radios.

The navigation and M-COMM radios are USB driven, while the ADF radios use Ethernet.

  • For brevity, I’ll discuss the construction of the panels together, as each of the panels has been constructed and along similar grounds, and functions similarly.

The navigation radio is a single channel radio unit designed to handle navigation frequency selection and management.

The M-COMM is a multi-channel communications radio that replicates the latest radio used in the Next Generation airframe.  The radio encapsulates VHF 1, VHF 2 and VHF 3, HF, HF2 and AM.  For simulation purposes, the M-COMM is an advantage to those who only wish to purchase one communications radio, rather than the two radios (COM 1 and COM 2) traditionally used.

fds ADF radio with rear of radio in background.  The finish of the panel is above par.  Note that the ADF/ANT and OFF/ON switches can be toggled, but are not functional

Appearance and Construction

The panels are constructed using the same technique that FDS to fabricate their Main Instrument Panel (MIP).  

Each upper panel is made from CNC machined acrylic which produces a very crisp finish and allows any stencilled letter cut-outs to be very well defined.  Each of the radios use a dual concentric rotary encoder with a stainless steel stem.

High Quality

The knobs and switches, which are custom machine injected, are true to life and are tactile in feel.  As you click through the frequencies the movement is stable and well defined.  There is no catching from the encoder as the knobs are turned.  The push keys are plastic moulded, back-lit and work flawlessly; they do not stick in the down position when depressed, and click back into position when pressure is released.  The frequency displays are seven-segmented display and are very easy to read.  

The colours of the digits are amber yellow for the navigation and ADF radios and warm white for the M-COMM radio.  The seven segmented display in the ADF radio is a slightly different font to the those in the navigation and M-COMM radios.  The colour is also a tad more orange in hue.  Although slightly different, this doesn’t distract from the overall appearance.

Layer cake design to accommodate the circuitry and the easy to use push clips to connect 5 Volt power (IBL).  Also, note that the circuitry board is not flush to the edge of the panel, enabling the radio to drop easily onto DZUS rails (drop & fly).  Also note the inclusion of OEM DZUS fasteners


The electronic components needed for the radios to function are contained within each panel. 

As such, The radios do not require interfacing with an interface card and are literally ‘plug and fly’.   The decision by FDS to incorporate all the circuitry within the panels minimises the wiring required, and the problem in finding space to attach an interface card.  

Depending on the radio, there are up to three layers that various electronic circuitry is attached, that includes integrated backlighting (IBL).  The front panel of the radio is backed by a piece of grey-coloured aluminium that adds strength to the unit and assists to dissipate heat from the 5 volt bulbs used to backlight the panel.  An electronics friend had a look at the electronics and was impressed with quality of the electronics board.  

What this amounts to is a well presented avionics panel that accurately replicates the radio in the Boeing 737 aircraft.  The radios are 1:1 in size.

Painting and Finish

All panels fabricated by Flight Deck Solutions, which includes the radios, are professionally painted in Boeing grey.  

Rather than one coat of paint which can easily be chipped, FDS apply several thin coats of paint to increase the durability of the final layer.  Although this point may appear token, the quality of paint and how it’s applied is important, because the radios will be used for many years, and during the course of operation you will be placing pens, clipboards, charts, coffee cups (etc) on the center pedestal and the radios.  Further, as the radio panels are flat, dust will accumulate requiring dusting and cleaning.  Low quality paint will scratch, fade and wear thin within a short period of time.  In my opinion, the quality of workmanship used by FDS, when it comes to painting is second to none.

DZUS Compliant

If you are using OEM parts in the simulator, in particular the center pedestal, then any panel that is DZUS compliant is advantageous, because it enables the panel to be dropped directly onto the DZUS rails to be secured by DZUS fasteners.  The radios can be placed directly onto the rails of an OEM center pedestal and the DZUS fasteners turned to secure the radio to the rail.

FDS IBL Series Distribution Expansion Board.  This board, the size of a credit card, enables 5 Volts to be distributed to several panels.  The coloured wires connect to 5 volts

Integrated Backlighting (IBL) and Power requirements

The radio panels are evenly backlit by FDS’s integrated backlighting (IBL).  IBL has been designed specifically to backlight panels in the identical fashion as is done in the real Boeing aircraft.

Rather than use LEDS for backlighting, FDS use OEM bulbs.  The primary advantage of IBL is the ‘throw of light’ which is greater from a single bulb than a LED (which is pin point).  The only way to achieve a similar light coverage to bulbs with an LED, is to use several LEDS mounted in close proximity to each other.  

Another point for consideration is that bulbs have a different colour temperature to LEDs.  Bulbs are warmer and produce a soft golden glow as opposed to LEDs that generate a harsher cooler light

The backlighting is superb.  The ‘throw of light’ covers all the stencilled letters and there are no dark or bright spots.  The only downside of IBL (if there is one), and this really doesn’t deserve mention, is that bulbs generate quite a bit of heat.  The life of a bulb is also less than a LED, however, FDS claim their bulbs have a life span of ~40,000 hours.

To power the backlighting will require a 5 volt power supply.  Although 5 Volts can be connected directly to the connectors on the rear of the panel, it’s recommended to use a IBL Series Distribution Expansion Board (FDS IBL DIST).

The expansion board will enable 5 volt power to be shared between several panels.  It’s all pretty straightforward and involves connecting some prefabricated wires with clips to the rear of each radio and to the card.  The card is then connected directly to the 5 Volt power supply.  The card I use is secured within the innards of the center pedestal.

To power the M-COMM 12 volts is required, in addition to 5 Volts for backlighting.

fds Ethernet switch and pen for scale

Connection and Set-up

If you are using avionics software other than ProSim737, software will need to be downloaded from the Flight Deck Solutions website (Texworx).

The software is very easy to use and installation self explanatory.  

Configuration of the radios is done via the software and involves indicating which NAV module is operated by which pilot (Captain or first Officer).  The M-COMM module uses the same software (you check the option for this panel during set-up).  The software is not required if using ProSim737.

If using ProSim737 avionic software, the ProSim-AR generic driver will recognise the FDS radios when they are plugged into your computer.  The radios will need to be configured (Captain or First Officer) and this is done in the config/driver section of ProSim737.

The concept of USB doesn’t need discussion, however, the ADF radios are connected via Ethernet. 

While it's possible to connect each radio separately to the main network switch, it’s easier to use a smaller network switch as a hub.  The switch I’ve used is supplied by FDS, is relatively small, can handle 8 Ethernet devices (expandability), and can be mounted into the center pedestal.  A single Ethernet cable then connects the FDS switch (hub) to the main network switch (and then to your computer).

If using Prosim737 avionics software, the radios (USB or Ethernet) can be connected to and run from the client computer.

Rear of ADF radio showing PCB, rear of encoders and push clips

Reliability and Performance

I’ve had the occasional dropout of the navigation and M-COMM radios, however, the ADF radios have worked flawlessly. 

I suspect that the reason for the navigation and M-COMM radios dropping out, is that the USB cables are connected to a powered hub, along with several other items.

I did trial the Tekworx software (using Sim Avionics) and I had several dropouts with the navigation radios that could not be rectified.  These dropouts stopped when I transferred to ProSim737.  

In some radios, there is a time lag when charging the radio frequency.  This time lag may be system dependent and/or a response to the limitations of USB.  This delay is not evident with the FDS radios.


Support from FDS is either directly via e-mail or by a dedicated forum.  The support provided by FDS is outstanding and all e-mails are answered in a timely manner.  

Quick List (pros and cons)


  • Well designed & constructed (plug and fly).

  • Excellent workmanship.

  • Excellent painting.

  • Realistic Integrated Back-Lighting (IBL) with excellent illumination.

  • Realistic quality machine-injected switches & rotaries.

  • Size ratio is 1:1.

  • Very high attention to detail.

  • OEM DZUS compliant (drop & fly).

  • Easy to use and set-up software (if not using ProSim737).

  • M-COMM radio ideal if space is limited in pedestal.

  • Native support for Sim Avionics and  ProSim737.


  • Expensive price (subjective).

  • Tekworx software (V 1.8.8. & V 1.9.9) caused disconnection (drop-outs), however, no issues when using ProSim737.

Final Call

The radios are solid, well constructed and the attention to detail is as you would expect from Flight Deck Solutions.  The quality of the radios is very high and suits the high-end enthusiast to professional market.  

My rating for the Tekworx software is 5/10  (V1.8.8. & V 1.9.9)

My rating for the modules is 9/10

Please note that this review is my opinion only and is not endorsed.

  • Updated 13 July 2020.

Populating the B737 Center Pedestal

oem 7373400 center pedestal (two bay). avionics include cp flight, flight deck solution and oem. this pedestal has since been replaced with a three bay pedestal

The centre pedestal I’m using is a real aviation part procured from a South West 737-300 series aircraft. The pedestal came attached to the throttle quadrant and is the more uncommon two bay style. The Next Generation uses a three bay center pedestal.

I was reluctant to destroy a piece of aviation memorabilia, so rather than cut the pedestal from the throttle and discard it, I decided to keep the two bay pedestal and limit myself only to essential avionic modules.

Apart from the nostalgia of using an OEM pedestal, I really like the DZUS rails that are used in a OEM pedestal, which allow you to drop the various panels into place and secure them with a DZUS fastener.  To read about DZUS fasteners, navigate to my earlier post.

In this post I will discuss populating the center pedestal with panels, and touch on using the panels from a comparative newcomer - SISMO Solicones. I will also discuss some of the problems I had with installing reproduction panels to the OEM center pedestal.

No International Standard  - Variation

There is no international standard established to indicate which model/type avionics are installed in a center pedestal; more often than not, it will come down to the type of aircraft and a particular airline’s requirements.  Early series 737s were fitted with a two bay center pedestal which minimised the number of panels that could be fitted.  Later model 737 aircraft and the Next Generation aircraft series use a three bay center pedestal that enables installation of the latest navigation and communication equipment.  There are benefits to the thinner two bay pedestals, the main positive being more room to climb into the flightdeck.

All 737s will have as a minimum the following avionics installed:  Fire Suppression module, NAV1/2 COMS 1/2, ADF 1/2, audio, rudder trim and transponder.  The important modules will be duplicated for First Officer use and redundancy should a failure occur.  Depending upon the aircraft series, the following may also be installed: thermal printer, HUD set-up, radar, cargo door panel & floodlight switches, alternate communications, etc, etc (the list is almost endless).  Much of what is installed depends on the use of the aircraft, civil regulations in the country of use and the requirement of the particular airlines.

Module Location

As with colour, there is no standardization to the location within the pedestal for any particular panel - perhaps with the exception of the fire suppression panel and NAV 1/2 module which (usually) occupy the forward part of the center pedestal.  Modules are fitted wherever they fit and in line with whatever specification that the airlines requires.  For example, I have observed Audio Control Panels (ACP) mounted toward the rear of the pedestal, which I believe is the favoured position, and also towards to front of the pedestal.

Note the ACP units are located further forward than what is considered the norm.  Also note the rudder trim module mounted in the centre of the pedestal and the rather larger thermal printer (?) toward the lower right

Another interesting aspect to observe is the different knobs on the NAV and ADF radios.  Often simmers became mentally entangled in attempting to standardise everything across their simulator.  This is not necessary; it is realistic if you mix-match panels to a certain degree.

This pedestal is mounted within a 737-700 aircraft and represents the more usually found three column pedestal in this series aircraft. 

The center pedestal is populated with the following modules:

  • NAV-1 (Flight Deck Solutions)

  • NAV-2 (Flight Deck Solutions)

  • M-COMM (Flight Deck Solutions) new style module that incorporates all radios in one module

  • ADF-1 (CP Flight) - replaced with Flight Deck Solutions.

  • ADF-2 (CP Flight) - replaced with Flight Deck Solutions.

  • Rudder Trim (CP Flight) - replaced with OEM.

  • ATC (transponder) (CP Flight) - replaced with OEM.

  • Fire Suppression Module (OEM 737-400 converted for FS use) - replaced with 737-600 NG.

  • Audio Control Panel (2) (ACP) (OEM 737-400 unit – at the moment, wired only for backlighting)

Avionics Mania

Unless you have an unlimited budget, or have panel sickness, you may want to think about how often you will use a particular panel.  Navigation (NAV 1/2 & ADF 1/2) and communication (COM1/2) modules will be used on every flight; therefore, it’s best to purchase a high-end panel for consistency and reliability. 

The rudder trim module and Audio Control Panel (ACP) are rarely used, with the exception of engine out operations and for turning on/off the audio for the various navigational aids. 

This is a side benefit to using a two bay center pedestal:  there is only so much room available, so you are forced to decide on which panels take precedence over others.

Maintaining Brands – almost impossible

I had wanted to maintain the same brand of modules across the sim to minimise the number of different system cards and interfaces, however, this was difficult to do. 

Flight Deck Solutions, a premium upper shelf supplier of simulation parts to the professional and enthusiast market, do not at the time of writing, manufacture and sell an ADF navigation radio panel.   Further, FDS do not produce the older style ATC (transponder) panel; they only manufacture the newer push button type, and I favoured the older style.

As the MCP I am using is manufactured from CP Flight, and I also have an older style CP Flight transducer, I decided to opt for the CP Flight ADF navigation radios. CP Flight have an easy method to daisy chain panels together. Unfortunately due to supply issues this was not to be the case.

OEM Panels

Nothing beats OEM panels and I am hoping in time to replace many of the reproduction panels with OEM components. In the meantime, I will be using reproduction panels.

SISMO Solicones

A relative newcomer to the scene attracted my attention – a Spanish company called SISMO Solicones.  Their products are reasonable quality for the price paid, are 1:1 ratio to OEM panels, use Ethernet rather than USB, and relatively easy to configure. 

I was very keen to trial Ethernet as a method to connect the modules to the computer. 

SISMO SOLICONES. Note the electronics tab that needs to clear the DZUS rails for installation.  A poor panel design if using an OEM center pedestal

Module Size – Size Matters!

It’s very important to check that the panel will fit correctly to whatever pedestal you are using.  If you are building your own pedestal without rails, then this is not an issue as you can easily fashion a template to drop the panels into.  However, if you are using an OEM panel, you will need to ensure that the panels are built in such a way that they drop into the existing rail system in the pedestal, otherwise you may need to alter your rails.

ADF Navigation Radio Panels – Attaching to the DZUS Rails

The avionics panels made by Flight Deck Solutions are literally drop & forget as all FDS panels are DZUS compliant and fit OEM DZUS rails perfectly.  The ADF radios from SISMO are a different matter.  Each of the panels has a small tab on the electronics board which is too wide to navigate past the DZUS rail in the pedestal.  This is a major issue as the panel cannot be dropped onto the rails.  Why SISMO designed them this way is beyond me, as many serious simmers use OEM center pedestals.

Cutting the Rail – Delicate Operation

Although I was reluctant to cut the DZUS rail, I realized that this was the only method available to correctly fit the SISMO ADF panels.  The rail had to be cut and a portion removed that corresponded to the size of the tab. Removing a portion of the rail would allow the panel to then be dropped into the pedestal. 


The DZUS rails are attached at regular intervals to the inner side of the pedestal by several aluminium rivets.  The rivets are not moveable and unfortunately a rivet was located directly where the rail was to be cut. 

After triple checking the measurements, I used a dremel power tool and small metal saw to gently cut into the aluminium rail until flush against the edge of the pedestal.  The cut piece of aluminium rail then was able to be removed; however, the rivet body remained.  I then used a metal file to carefully grind away the end of the rivet head until flush with the pedestal side. 

In addition to this, each of the attachment holes of the panelss needed to be enlarged slightly to accommodate the male end of the OEM DZUS fastener.  This job was relatively easy and I used a quality drill bit to enlarge the hole.  A word of caution here – SISMO do not use metal backing plates, so if you’re over zealous with a drill, you will probably crack the plastic board.

Once the sections of DZUS rails were removed, it was only a matter of dropping the panels into the pedestal and securing them with DZUS fasteners.

SISMO SOLICONES rudder trim and ADF module with power pack.  The rudder trim is A MEDIOCRE reproduction of the real unit. however, it lacks finesse in its final construction. I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING THESE PANELS

System Cards & Wiring – Location, Mounting & Access

I was very surprised at the number of cards required to use SISMO panels.  An Ethernet card is required as is a daughter and servo card.  There are also two power sources: 5 volt powers the small servo moto) that moves the rudder trim gauge and 12 volts powers the module backlighting. 

My main concern was where to mount the cards.  Initially, I was going to mount them under the main simulator platform, but access for maintenance was a problem. I decided to utilise the inside of the pedestal beneath the modules.  This area is rather cavernous and a good place to house the cards and wiring needed for the modules (out of sight and out of mind).

Constructing an Internal Board – to attach cards to

I cut a piece of thin MDF board to roughly the height of the pedestal interior and fitted it in such a way that it created a vertical partition.  To this board, using both sides, I attached the various cards needed.  To ensure that the flat cables had enough room to reach the various cards, I cut a slot in the center section of the board.  I also made sure there was enough room at each end of the board to allow cabling to snake around the partition. The most important point to remember is to ensure that none of the cards touch the metal sides of the pedestal or each other; to do so will cause an earthing problem. 

Wiring wasn’t much of an issue, as SISMO supplies prefabricated flat wiring with plastic clips.  All you need to do to attach the correct clips to correct attachment point on the card – very easy with absolutely no soldering.  As the Ethernet card is mounted within the pedestal, the only wires that need to be threaded through the lower throttle section of the pedestal are the power cable and the Ethernet cable.  The later connects to the Ethernet switch box that is mounted to the shelf of the FDS MIP.

The pedestal innards are now full of intestinal-looking wires attached to an assortment of cards.  It looks messy with all the wiring, but as the wires are flat wires with solid connectors, it is very secure and logically set out.  Access to the wiring and cards is achieved by removing two or three modules. 


on 2012-07-25 05:48 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

After trialling the panels manufactured by SISMO, I wasn't impressed.  The ADF navigation radio gave spurious results which were intermittent, and the frequency change switch did not provide consistent operation - sometimes it worked and at other times it was sticky and needed to pressed a few times to initiate the frequency change.

The rudder trim module also did not work correctly, even with the correct SC Pascal script. 

The Transponder ATC module looked OK, but never worked as a script was not supplied.  The Audio Control Module looked absolutely awful with poor quality switches and cheap and nasty-looking plastic buttons.

Rather than fight with cards, wires, and a software medium (SC Pascal scripts) which I don't have the knowledge to edit, I decided to box everything and send it back to SISMO for refund.

The SISMO panels have been replaced with panels made by CP Flight and OEM panels.

Main Instrument Panel (MIP) by Flight Deck Solutions - Review



The main instrument panel (MIP) is arguably one of the most important pieces of equipment in a flight deck; it is around the MIP that everything revolves.  Every enthusiast wants the MIP to be athletically pleasing and as real to the OEM product as possible.  Depending upon the end use, the MIP may act as a skeleton from which to add OEM parts, or standalone accommodating reproduction parts.

There are several companies that produce MIPS and each has its nuances.  After extensive research, Flight Deck Solutions (FDS) in Canada was commissioned to supply the MIP.

Note that in this review, reference is made to the term OEM which is an acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer (aka real Boeing 737 aviation part).

The image above is the Duel Seat Training Device offered by Flight Deck Solutions (image courtesy and copyright FDS).

Information - Not Pretty Pictures

This post is not intended to be an exhaustive review of the FDS MIP or the parts attached to the MIP.  Rather, the intent of the review is to provide adequate information for enthusiasts to make an intelligent decision to which MIP to purchase.  

Furthermore, it is important to understand that all reproduction simulator parts are exactly that - a reproduction or facsimile of a real part.  Often reproduction parts are not to scale and have subtle differences to the real item.  Whether this is important is at your discretion and very much depends upon whether you intend to use OEM parts or solely reproduction parts.

To view images of the MIP, navigate to the image gallery

Interface cards have not been discussed for two reasons.  First, there are several differing types of cards that can be used, and second, Integrated Cockpit Systems (ICS) units come ready-made with all wiring and interface cards installed. 

ICS and Options

FDS provide two options when purchasing their MIP - naked (do it yourself) or as an integrated cockpit system (ICS).

The ICS route was chosen because of time constraints; by eliminated the task of wiring and soldering a multitude of interrelated electronic parts together, it would allow more time to concentrate on converting real aircraft parts to use in the simulator.  At the forefront of the B737 project, the MIP was to be a skeleton from which to hang OEM parts.

The MIP consists of two sections; the main instrument display including the lower display and glare shields (eyebrows), and the base structure incorporating the CDU mounting area, lower display and stand.

FDS landing gear lever is a good facsimile of the real lever; however, the lever does not recess between the two half moons.  Nor is the red trigger spring-loaded as in the OEM mechanism.  Despite these aesthetic shortfalls, the landing gear functions well.  The leather skirt is a step in the right direction concerning authenticity

UPPER MIP (Instrument Panel, Glareshield and Lower Panel/Kick Stand)

The panel is made from CNC machined acrylic and the glare shield from injection molded plastic. The panel and glare shields have been attached by screws to a light-weight powder coated aluminum frame which incorporates a 4 inch wide shelf on the rear side. 

The cut-out lettering, which allows the lettering to be back-lit, is very crisp with well defined edges.

The panel has been professionally painted in Boeing grey.  Although the panel is made from acrylic, the use of high quality flat paint removes the sheen that acrylic is renowned for.  In comparison to other plastic-looking panels on the market, the colour and appearance is very true to form.  It looks 'almost; like the OEM panel. and matches the real aircraft parts very well.  Furthermore, FDS apply the paint in several thin layers which makes the coating very resistant to chipping and scratching.

Switches have been mounted in the correct locations and the wiring from these switches has been secured within a wiring lumen or by plastic cable ties.  The switches and knobs replicate those of the real aircraft and have the correct feel, although the general purpose knobs (GPK) do not replicate the exact appearance of the OEM knob.  Where a panel has not been included (not stock B737 configurations) a blanking panel has been fitted.

The soldering work and connections on all switches are excellent; it is more than obvious that the person who did the soldering work is a professional with many years experience.

The gear lever is sturdy and feels solid.  To engage the landing gear, the lever must be pulled out of its recess and pushed up or down.  The detail to the lever is excellent and installation includes the correct-looking fiber sleeve.  The mechanism does not have the spring-loaded trigger; the trigger is a solid cast item attached to the lever.

Annunciator lights (six packs) and various warning lights are all functional; however, pale comparison to OEM parts and other high-end reproductions; they appear 'cheesy'.  The glare shield is strong textured ABS plastic and wraps over the top of the MIP.  A correctly sized chart pocket is screwed to the top of the shield.  The two glares either side of the MIP on the Captain and First Officer side are painted MDF wood and although not have a negative appearance they do not replicate the appearance of the OEM glare which is made from textured foam plastic.

The shelf system, located behind the main instrument panel, is an excellent idea.  The shelf, in addition to providing an area for the FDS monitor stands to be mounted, is a good platform to mount various cards, speakers and other items that may be required.

The FDS bracket, a novel design to hold the display units firmly in place.  The display unit bezel is made from plastic and does not hinge outwards as the real bezel does.  the knobs on the ISFD are not replicated

The lower display modules, which are mounted to the lower area of main panel, are installed using normal Phillips-head screws.  In a real B737, panels and modules are usually secured using DZUS  fasteners or skirted screws.  It would have been a nice touch to have replicated the use of DZUS fasteners on the panels in the lower kick stand.

Display Unit Covers

The protective displays that the computer monitor screens (display units) are made from 1.5 mm thick perspex.  I have found the perspex to be very reflective - especially so if the simulator is located in a well-illuminated room.    

Integrated Back-Lighting (IBL)

Integrated back Lighting (IBL) is the name FDS has coined to refer to their proprietary design in which FDS utilise aircraft bulbs rather than LEDs.  IBL is supplied to illuminate the back lighting in all FDS panels and modules.  

One of the main advantages of a bulb in contrast to that of a LED is the throw of the light and the colour temperature.  The area of coverage from bulbs is relatively even, where the coverage by an LED is more pinpoint and uneven.   The only way to achieve a similar light coverage to bulbs using LEDs is to use several LEDS mounted in close proximity to each other. 

One area that the use of bulbs  excels is the rear illumination of the stencil-cut lettering on the MIP.  Bulbs will completely illuminate the stencil cut-outs where LED lighting will often only illuminate part of the stencil cut-out (unless there are several LEDs).

Bulbs and LEDs have different colour temperatures.  A bulb transmits a warm colour (soft orange hue) whereby a LED transmits a cooler colour that appears more blue in comparison.

All Boeing airframes, with the exception of the newest airframes utilise 5 and 28 volt incandescent bulbs.

The only downside of IBL (if there is one) is that the bulbs generate quite a bit of heat.  The life of a bulb is also less than a LED.

Ground Proximity Panel showing use of Phillips head screws rather than the more usual DZUS fasteners

What the MIP Lacks

The non-use of DZUS fasteners in the lower panel (kick stand) and the failure to use skirted screws has been mentioned.

Stand-by instruments and clocks are not included.  FSD supply a stenciled backing card which is mounted behind the perspex to mimic the look of the yaw dampener, brake pressure, clock and flaps gauge. 

Considering the purchase price of a MIP, and considering the importance of a working flaps gauge, an operational analogue flaps gauge should be a stock item.  

The avionics suite (Sim Avionics) can display virtual stand-by instruments id required.

The speed reference panel and knobs are not functional. The knobs used in the speed reference panel do not replicate the OEM knobs used in the B737; the real aircraft uses double rotary encoder knobs. As with the flaps gauge, these knobs should be functional and, at least shoe some resemblance to the real part.

Software - Interface IT

The software to interface the MIP (InterfaceIT) seems to be well designed and robust.  It does require a learning curve to become proficent with the software, but once proficent the siftware is logical in layout and use.  Installation of the IT software is straightforward.

Additionally, there is a direct link between InterfaceIT and Sim Avionics which makes internal configuration and programming very easy.

Flight Avionics Suite

Duel Seat Training Devices (DSTD) and MIPS configured by Flight Deck Solutions use Sim Avionics as their flight avionics suite.  After you receive your MIP, FDS staff will e-mail to you a file which you import into InterfaceIT.  This file holds the data assignments for the MIP buttons and switches.

Although FDS recommend Sim Avionics, there is no obligation to use this software; the MIP will operate with whatever software you choose.  A seperate post will deal with a review of Sim Avionics.

The rear shelf located behind the MIP and the propriety bracket used to hold the display units (computer screens) firmly in place.  The bracket works exceptionally well and the shelf is very sturdy

Lower Base Structure

The base structure comprises the lower section of the MIP and includes the CDU bay structure and lower display screen.  The structure is made from aluminum which has been professionally powder coated in Boeing grey. 

As with the upper section of the MIP, the attention to detail is obvious.  There are no sharp edges on the CDU bay structure, nor are there gaps where panels attach together.  Screws match their holes correctly.

The DZUS rails that line the internal section of the CDU bay marry perfectly with the DZUS fasteners used to secure the Control Display Unit (CDU/FMC) to the rails.    It does not matter whether a reproduction or OEM CDU unit is used as both will fit perfectly.

The lower display screen, which fits between the two gaps in which the CDUs reside, is identical in shape and manufacture to the upper display unit bezels.  Unlike the three upper bezels in which a standard computer monitor can be mounted, the lower screen requires a smaller monitor which is not an off the shelf item.

clock panel showing backlighting during the day. the fabrication of this panel and button is very good as is the stenciling

Dimensions, 1:1 ratio and Using OEM Parts

The ability of a manufacturer to produce a MIP that is the correct 1:1 ratio to the real item cannot be underestimated.  If an enthusiast is intending to only use instruments and panels produced by that manufacturer, then any size disparity is probably unnoticeable and probably not that important.  However, if OEM parts are to replace reproduction parts, then the base sizing become crucial to the correct and easy fitment of an OEM part.  In this area, the FDS MIP has some shortfalls.

The MIP has a number of holes and gaps that parts reside, for example for the AFDS and flaps gauge.  If the holes are incorrectly matched to the OEM part, either a new panel (aluminum backing plate) will need to be engineered and painted, or the hole may need to be enlarged.  Although enlarging a hole in a MIP is straightforward, the opposite is problematic and requires the design of a new panel.

Unfortunately, many of the holes in the FDS MIP do not correspond to the correct size when fitting OEM parts.  For example, the holes that the AFDS units reside must to be enlarged considerably to enable OEM AFDS units to be fitted.  Likewise, the holes to fit the annunciators need to be enlarged.  The hole that the flaps gauge is housed is far too large and a new panel needs to be designed to gt an OEM flaps gauge.

Detail of the angled shelf used to accommodate the I/O cards.  The multi-voltage computer power supply can also be seen mounted behind the perforated vents.  The terminal block caters to 5 and 12 volts.  The interface card is the FDS SYS card which comes standard with the ICS MIP

Power, System I/O Cards and Cabling

A multi-voltage computer power pack is used to power the MIP and has been mounted at the rear of the lower base structure. 

The position chosen is well suited to internal wiring and allows easy access should a problem develop.

An angled shelf has been engineered to fit immediately behind the CDU bay.  The design of the shelf is intended as an area on which to mount the various interface cards required to operate the simulator.

The interface cards required to operate the MIP have been secured to the angled shelf and all wiring has been expertly soldered or attached via solid electrical clips.  Cabling and connections are of the highest quality.  Each of the wires that are connected to the SYS board has been tagged with a plastic tag which indicates their function; a good idea if you need to change something at a later date or troubleshoot a particular problem.

There has been no compromises with regard to how the staff at FDS wired the MIP - it is beyond reproach.

3mm replacement side stand.  The replacement stand inhibits any movement of the MIP as the structure is not (at the moment) installed within a shell

Base structure (side stands)

The base structure (stand) has been designed to be mounted either directly to a base platform.  The mounting points are numerous holes along the lower angled edge of the stand.  A concern was that the structure would wobble, as it is quite high and made from light-weight aluminum. 

These concerns were short-lived; once each attachment point was secured with a screw the assembly was quite solid.  This said, if you energetically engage the landing gear lever, there is a very slight movement in the upper area of the MIP.  If you are mounting the MIP into a cockpit surround, any movement will cease as it will be attached to the outer skin of the shell.

To counteract any movement, it is a relatively easy matter to fabricate two replacement side stands from a thicker sheet of aluminum (3-5mm).  This will guarantee that there will be no movement when manipulating knobs, the landing gear, etc.

Navigate to this post to read about the replacement side walls.

Communication, Support and Delivery

Communication with FDS was excellent.  E-mails were always answered in a timely manner and Peter and Steven Cos are very professional in their approach. I was continually kept in the loop regarding construction and shipping.

Support if and when required is either via a dedicated forum, e-mail, or if necessary by telephone.  Peter and Steve Cos very approachable and helpful and their support is second to none.  I would go so far as to say that the support that FDS provides cannot be matched.

It is important to note that Flight Deck Solutions is not a mail order company with products in storage waiting to be shipped; products are assembled to order.  This means that often there is a timely wait until you receive your shipment.

The MIP I had delivered to Australia was packed in and attached (screwed) to the floor of a large wooden crate.  It arrived undamaged.

Quick List - Pros and Cons


  • Well designed & constructed

  • Excellent workmanship (metalwork and wiring)

  • Realistic and highly effective Integrated Back-Lighting (IBL)

  • Good functionality

  • Very clean appearance - wiring and cards favorably positioned

  • 1:1 (or as near possible) to the real MIP (exception if using OEM gauges)

  • Moderate to high attention to detail

  • Robust & functional software (InterfaceIT) if using Sim Avionics avionics suite

  • Excellent paint quality (several layers of paint) that resists chipping and scratching

  • Outstanding support - the best in the industry


  • No analogue flaps gauge, other than virtual version (rectified by spending more money)

  • No stand-by instruments or clock (rectified by spending more money)

  • Non use of DZUS fasteners in lower panels above 'kick stand' (small things do make a difference)

  • RMI knobs are very low quality

  • Speed reference knobs are very low quality & do not replicate OEM B737 knobs

  • Landing gear lever does not recess behind shield when in down position

  • Landing gear does not utilise the spring trigger as in the real aircraft

  • Section between upper and lower MIP (kick-stand) is not the correct shape.  It should be rounded and not be an angled piece of aluminum

  • Display unit covers are very reflective (easily rectified- remove or replace them with tinted displays)

  • Slightly inaccurate General Purpose Knobs (GPK) - poor stenciling on knobs

  • The MIP is not completely 1:1 and if using OEM parts, some engineering is required to fit OEM parts

  • The MIP is not an exact reproduction and artistic license has been taken in some areas (for example, the section between the upper and lower MIP (kick-stand).  The MIP also lacks various screws and fasteners seen on the OEM MIP

Important Point:

  • If you are intending to add OEM panels, switches and knobs to the FDS MIP, be aware that many of the panels do not fit the FDS MIP.  This is because the MIP frame is not exactly 1:1 with the OEM equivalent.  In some instances (such as when retrofitting panels) the MIP is out by up to 1 cm.  Also be aware that OEM korrys, flaps gauges and some of other avionics will not fit into the precut holes.  You will need to either enlarge the hole or make it smaller.

FDS GPK with backlighting. The knob has a slightly different shape to OEM knobs. the adjustable propriety backlighting is perfect

General Purpose Knobs (GPK)

The GPKs are of high quality, however fail in a number of areas.

The black line is a manually applied adhesive which depending upon which knob you are inspecting, may or may not be quite straight.  Being adhesive, with time the transfer lifts, especially at the ends.  The translucent line between the black outer lines is not as bright as that observed in the real aircraft.  Not all knobs have the transfers correctly aligned.

poor quality lower kickstand knobs. gpk showing excess plastic from manufacture process

The knobs are the incorrect shape and the grub screws are located in the wrong position on the knob.  The knob also does not have an inside metal shroud (circular retainer).  The retainer increases the longevity of the knob as it stops the acrylic from being worn down over time with continual use.

The knobs on the lower kick stand are also of poor quality bearing only a little resemblance to the OEM knobs

The knobs serve a function, but for the price of the MIP, knobs that reflect a more accurate representation would have been appreciated.


RMI Selector Knobs

The knobs are made from acrylic with a transfer attached.  The knob has no functionality and is attached to the MIP in a recessed hole.  The RMI knob bears no resemblance to the OEM knob and is very poor quality.

Speed reference knobs are very low quality

Speed Reference Knobs (SRK)

The speed reference knobs supplied with the FDS MIP bear no resemblance to the OEM knobs. The OEM knob should be a double rotary encoder knob.  There has been no attempt to replicate this type of knob.

Used Fuel Reset Switch

FDS have used a normal two-way toggle which is incorrect.  There is no similarity to the OEM used fuel reset switch.  The OEM toggle has a large bulbous head and is a specially-designed three-way toggle.

fds Boeing warning system. although functional the displays fall short of replicating the oem items

Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) 

Although not an exact replica of the OEM part, FDS has done a good job replicating the functionality of the AFDS.  Unfortunately, if you wish to replace the FDS unit with an OEM AFDS unit, the hole in the backing plate that attaches to the MIP will need to be enlarged considerably to allow correct fitting of the OEM component.

Boeing Warning System (six packs)

Compared to the OEM counterpart, FDS’s offering is lacking. The two warning buttons can be depressed very easily where the OEM buttons are quite firm requiring a good push. The six packs work quite well, however, lack adequate light coverage when a warning is displayed.

Annunciators (korry condition lights)

The FDS MIP uses LED reproduction annunciators (korrys).  The LEDS are illuminated by two 5 volt LED lights which do not provide complete light coverage across the lens plate.  The brightness of the LEDS is also not as bright as the OEM annunciators. 

Furthermore, the hole in the MIP that the korrys reside is a tad on the small side; therefore, if you are intending to replace the reproduction korrys with Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) annunciators, you will need to engineer the hole to a larger size.  This is unfortunate as a MIP should be manufactured 1:1 to allow reproduction parts to be replaced with OEM parts.

on the oem landing gear the red trigger sits flush with the two half moons

Landing Gear Lever

The landing gear lever requires more explanation.

In the real B737-800 NG the landing gear handle sits closer toward the main instrument panel.  The half circular shield is designed so that the red-coloured gear trigger sits between the two half moon shields when the lever is in the DOWN position.  In the FDS version, the trigger sits too far out from the front of the MIP and the trigger is not protected by the two shields.

Furthermore, the trigger is not spring-loaded as in the OEM mechanism; it is a solid piece of metal.

Lights Test / DIM Switch

A normal two-way momentary toggle is used which is incorrect.  The OEM switch is a three way non-momentary switch which allows the switch to be placed in any one of three positions.  The OEM toggle is also large than a standard toggle switch.

Final Call

The MIP is well made and has been finished with obvious care; parts line up correctly, screw heads have not been burred and paint not chipped.  Wiring, soldering, parts, switches, paint, colour, rotaries, blanking panels and display frames are of the highest quality.  It is obvious you are dealing with a premium product that provides an very good facsimile of a 737-800 instrument panel.

Downside is the lack of any hard-wired gauges, poor quality speed reference and general purpose knobs, lack of DZUS in lower panels, no flaps gauge, and a wrongly positioned landing gear lever (when in the down position).  Another issue is that the MIP is not 1:1 with its OEM counterpart, nor is it a 100% accurate rendition of an OEM MIP. 

This said, for many enthusiasts this will not be an issue as the differences are minor.  If you intend to use OEM parts then some parts of the MIP will need to be fabricated to enable the real parts to fit snugly into the MIP.

Depending upon your end use - a MIP with reproduction gauges, or a MIP skeleton to hang OEM parts - your views will alter.  Certainly, the FDS MIP is not to be discounted as a premium product; it is a pity that FDS did not take a few extra steps to make this MIP the 'Queen of the crop.

The closest rival to the FDS MIP is the MIP manufactured by Fly Engravity and SimWorld.  Other MIPS are available from other companies, but the FDS MIP, although lacking in some areas is superior in many ways. 

Rating is 7.5/10

Please note that this review is my opinion only..  Furthermore, note the date of the review.   Flight Deck Solutions may have updated their MIP after this review has been published. 

  • Thanks to Peter Cos, Flight Deck Solutions for allowing the use of the front image.

NOTE:  Before taking what you read as gospel, check the FDS website in case these shortcomings have been rectified since this post was published.

Research & Development Completed - MIP & Yoke Ordered

R&D mode has taken considerable time with the last two weeks being almost full time.  It takes time to double check everything, scour the Internet, and wait for e-mail replies from various manufacturers.


Every project must start somewhere and I wanted to use as many OEM components in the build as possible, however, procuring components takes considerable time and I was keen to begin.  Therefore, rather than wait until everything was found, a decision was made to begin the project with a number of reproduction items.  This at least would get the project started, and as OEM components were obtained these would replace reproductions.  It would also enable me to fly the simulator more or less from the beginning of the project.

I researched a number of companies to supply the Main Instrument Panel (MIP) and two companies stood out from the rest, Flight Deck Solutions (FDS) and Fly Engravity. 

Flight Deck Solutions was chosen mainly because of support availability in Melbourne Australia, and a more reasonable Australian to Canadian monetary exchange rate.  Fly Engravity were a very close second, however the Euro is very strong and freight so expensive from Europe, that using this company became financially prohibitive.

In addition to the Main Instrument Panel, FDS will also supply some of the avionics and the avionics software (Sim Avionics). 

ACE Engineering (another Canadian company) will be supplying the reproduction 737 yoke and control column. 

I already am in possession of a the Mode Control Panel (MCP) and EFIS, both manufactured by CP Flight in Italy.  These will eventually be replaced by a more upmarket MCP and EFIS.

I've been told that delivery of the yoke and MIP will be late September (2011).

Now that the main part of the simulator has been ordered, I can begin to widen my search for additional component..

Presently, I'm talking with an individual who has a OEM Boeing 737 throttle for sale.  If negotiations are successful, I hope to purchase this quadrant. 


on 2011-12-01 02:22 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

Its taken some time, since my August order, to receive notification that the MIP I have ordered from Flight Deck Solutions is "almost" ready.  I've been told it will ship late this week so it should be in Australia by December 22 (2011).  Once the MIP has arrived, it will allow me to begin to develop the simulator.


on 2011-12-07 11:25 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

At last I've been told that the MIP I ordered from Flight Deck Solutions (FDS) in Canada has been completed.  The MIP is currently on the way to Australia via DHL air cargo.  It's been a long wait and I hope the product has been worth the lengthy waiting time.